Monday, June 30, 2008

AbAndoN aLL thE feaR & CoNfusiON~*

Woke up early in the morninG~ SomehoW FeeLinG abit LOSe & Confuse~ DunnO whY~!!! Am I givinG mself too much stresS! FacinG lots of unwanTeD stuff~* I dunnO whY humaN likES to CompaRE~* AnywaY I duN caRE WaD otherS saiD or eveN compaRE~* I am jusT waD I aM~* I believE I caN DO iT! CoS I aM ZEN~* There are still a long waY to go! thankS to all the people who care for mE!

I feel that I'm stiLL noT readY & I can't contribute anythinG for U yeT! Cos I'm always busY & I'm still couldn't release her in mY hearT~! I'm SOrrY~*

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bro B'daY & PT worK~*

Day pass faster than I think~ Good time pass fasT!!!
WhY am I sO busY alwayS~ WhY cant I feel anythinG~ What am I waitinG foR!
WhY am I alwayS thinK thaT TImE Is Not enough FOr ME!
I really Dun wan to hurt or even waste any of their time and even youth~*
I really want to moVE oN! WHy caNt I jusT movE oN and GivE a TrY~*
I reallY cant feeL anythinG noW!!!!!!!!! Maybe Im really tired and maybe still wiatinG!!!!!!!!!!!No choice~* This is me! I really need to focuse in mY CAREER & THINGS that are more important to ME!!!!!!!!!!

Sat & Sun~*
Additional worK tasK indicate bY mY Part-time BosS~*
Although Is tirinG but was so FUN~
Speacially Thanks to SteveN & YvonnE~ SpendinG loTs of $$$$$ to buY those gooD food foR us~*
ThankS to all mY funnY good FreN Nicholas~!
hahahaS and My Part-time GF EtheL~*
hahahahaS and Chia Yee mY 1/3 GF~*
FUnnY OnE! ENjoYS workinG with U aLL!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

WordS frM SenioR~*

HavinG lunch with mY colleague frm HR dept and they are Shirley, Jasmine and Jaslin. Hahahas..... travel a long distance frm Raffles to Boat quay and just to eat Some SambaL SotonG, StingraY, black pepper chick and sweet and sour pork~ Hmmm` NicE! And waS chattinG about ShoppinG and our in cominG COMPANY TRIP TO OVERSEA~ hMmMm~
And yA~! and was planninG for mY schooL work~ ActuallY is quite tirinG as U study part-time & at the same time Working full-time in a GlobaL GrouP ! BUt Is Fun & ChallenginG~* worDs frm mY In-charge..... She said < Zen u need to rest when u needed, dun over work urself. and focuse only one thing by one thing.... I knw u are ambition and have high Expectation in urself...... U just need to learn to relax more and slowly take it one by one!!!!!!!! ITs truth that i did not stop runninG ever since the first daY I step on MY WORK PLACE~* Sometime I feel really tirinG but I jus tell myself to ENDURE AND I kNW THINGS ARE COMING ON MY WAY~*
The 1st steP of mY AcheivemenT is To get Perfection in mY JOB SCOPE & to move to mY next stages of MY HIGHER EducatioN!!!!!!!!!!
After work when out with BEST FREN RANDY, GEN & KAREN!!!!!!!!!! FOR DINNER! AT OCHARD XING WANG~! =)
eNJOyINg MY DINNER~! YUMMY! We havinG the same Noodle but minE is NO drY! Mine is with soup cos im not feeling weLL! Sore throat & Headache =( Nvrmind~ PlanninG tO GO BeachinG~ With U guyS! =)~*

Monday, June 23, 2008

FeelinG TIRING~ KeePinG SilenT~ & FACING ALL THE ChallenGE~*

hmMm~* fèelinG Alittle tirinG and SOMEHOW shack! Been busY For this and that! And jus Recover frm taT FLu buT THERE are still alittle of Sore throat! DoctoR said u neeD To resT More and drinK More water Ya! TryinG To be as Perfect as I could to be oNE OF THE OUTSTANDING ONE IN MY CAREER! LearninG NEW THinGS TODAY!!! Everyday been facing all kinD of ChallenGE! AND Im ALWAYS ASKING MYSELF?! What cAN i Do to becoME An betteR PerSON! AnywaY thanks to u!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


THis Is wad I ate! DurinG BusY daYS~* hahahaS~ JApanesE FooD woR~* BUT was BUsY~*
FeelIng of achievemenT~* In mY LIFE, there are alwayS ChallenGe fOR ME tO SolVE! I BeliEVE I CAN ACHEIEVE WAD I WAN IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Father day CelebratioN aT CentraL MaLL~* At a Japanese Resturant~*
Daddy hope U like iT~* =) Is an smaLL gifT I could give at the moment~* I will put more effoRT & even work hardeR~* To Give U wad U WaN, In the FUTURE~* CheeRS~* =)
LiFE Is MeaninG~ Although there are loTs of LotS oF IN COminG CHallenGE tO facE~! ThanKS tO U~ =) (JULY 18)is Uncle weddinG~

Thursday, June 12, 2008

If therE's a ReturE~*

SOmetime thinGS couldn't forgeT expeciallY when there are memories thaT make Ur smile brighteR, CarE & even happinesS~* theY can be witH U ForeveR! & theY caN be a thinGs thaT make uR smILE BRIGtheR Or eveN LessER! BUt nothing I can regret of~! Is a fact! I accept iT! Im not a gd GuY or even a perfect guy that could give her anY of the happiness that she wantS!! I accepT iT! But Im stiLL MisSeS HeR! I juS really hope time could froZeN thE good memories~*
And I nvr regret being together with U onCE iN mY LIFE! Im haPPY whEn U are around and eveN a msG thaT u send for mE! I learN loTs of loTs of huMaN neeDS and eveN a aim tO acheive iN mY goAL(LIFE)!I believe u are gd noW! May god bLeSS U! My LOVE***

*~Fathers daY celebratioN oN SaT in a Japanese Resturant~!

*~ AttendinG Uncle weddinG!!!!!!!!!!!! BrinG alonG somEonE!
Cos My Bro BrinG GF & Sis BrinG BF....... Me BrinG ?????(SOMEONE)! =)

Monday, June 9, 2008


I'm goinG to sinG & plaY thiS sonG witH mY FavouritE PianO speciallY foR U!!!!!!!!! On FridaY, PErformance! AlthouGh U are NO LOnGeR WItH ME! BuT I wiLL alwaYS RemembeR ThE LOveS U giVE tO ME!

C Cm F
我們的開始 是很長的電影
C Cm F G
放映了三年 我票都還留著
C Cm F
冰上的芭蕾 腦海中還在旋轉
望著你 慢慢忘記你
C Cm F
朦朧的時間 我們溜了多遠
C Cm F G
冰刀劃的圈 圈起了誰改變
C Cm F
如果再從來 如果會稍嫌狼狽
愛是不是 不開口才珍貴
F G Em Am
再給我兩分鐘 讓我把記憶結成冰
別溶化了眼淚 你妝都花要我怎麼記得
Em Am
你說你會哭 不是因為在乎

Sunday, June 8, 2008

A worDs taT I waN to heaR FrM U~*

Sometime things that u do....... U didn't do well! And u feeL miserable about it! Sometime u have to reflect and think! Wad cause thiS! Wad make u didn't do well~ YuP! Although I didnt did weLL in My thinGS~ Always remember this~ Never give uP!There are always things can be solve~! I believe I can do iT! JuS blaminG mYself & feelinG guitY About iT! Wad I need is frm ur WorDs! I'm MissinG U!******** LOVE U!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

thanKS TO U~

To a persoN Who Care for me~ hahahas~ dun worry gal im just at my fren house and it was jus an gatherinG. YUP. I Did drink alot. Although u call me and ask me not to drink or nt to drink so much~... YUP I Really precious the care and concent... A promise tat i say to u. If one daY there is a chance or???? U might BE the onli one I care and eveN LOvE! I wil bring u along to all my gatherinG or event~ but i believe that there are stil a loñg way to go an to acheieve iN mY goaLS~! So let time be the decisioN`~! =)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

DaY RelaXinG!!!!!!!!!!!

GoSh todaY after finisH uP aLL mY MissioN I.e. mY job scope! SufferinG frM GasTriC PaiN! waH! PaiN & feeL likE vomitinG!

ThE MEN!!!!!!!!! HaahahaS!

CheeRs~!WaS havinG Our BuffeT in OUr COmpanY! NIcE Buffet!rEALLy ENjOy It! & loVINg iT!

AHahahAS! FunnY!

Monday, June 2, 2008

StaR GAtheR~!

HaVinG OuR SuPPeR~* AT SomE STeamboat ResturanT!!!!!!!! yuMMY! CHeeRS!