Saturday, July 26, 2008

A biG daY foR mY UncLE~*

WeddinG waS held at ForT CanninG HiLL~* And waS plaYinG pianO and also sing for my for my UNcle~* wiLL upload the video ya!=)

HeY guYS hmmm~* lonG tiME didnt bloG le~* SomEhoW quite BusY~* yuP~ =)

Saturday, July 12, 2008


hmMmM~ Feel so tired now~ PlanninG for the next oversea triP~ Where should I go?
& Should I brinG her alonG~? Feeling so confuse now~! Wad caN do to prevent all misunderstanding? COMPLICATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway My work load is getting HeavieR~ yuP jus sit back and relaX noW! ThankS for the CARE U givE tO U! I really appreciable! =)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

ComPanY TriP JuSt EndeD~* =)

ENjoY & HavE FuN~*

Gosh no choice got to when uP and dance~*
AnywaY as lonG as Everyone enjoY caN le!

BacK to WorK~* hMmMmM~* CompanY triP was reallY AmazinG~* My FirsT OverSeA triP~*
cOoL~* HavinG luncH with aLL the GM~* SCarY* hahahahAS! BUT their realY freN~
ParTy NItE~*