Friday, May 30, 2008

To Be A BettER PerSoN!!!

ThinGS had change! There are more thinGs to learN in mY JoB noW!!! MOvinG fasT! MOre thinGs to handlE! First time handling aLL kinD oF CurrencY ratE! Need to do exchanGE & elSe! hmmm! JusT come back home home! Tiring! GOinG out with JUstiN! watCHinG MoviE, DInE & ShoP!! yUP! StayinG oveR mY plaCE alsO! hmmM! PlanninG tO gO chILL ouT witH somE freNS! YUP! StiLL planninG! There are lotS oF thinGS to handlE & eveN happen on iNcominG

~*Fion(AUnT)(SUPERBAND COncerT & competition) got to Attend!
~*Calix(YounGer BrOther) B'daY!
~*StayinG ResorT witH Jerlynn(Sis)!
~*OutinG witH mY Gd FreN JustiN & DannY!!!!!!!
~*MeetinG RanDY(BEST FreN) foR ChiLL & CraZY SHoppinG!
~*DininG WitH "Some Old freN" Not coNfirm!hahahAS!
~*AttendinG couRsE!!!
~*& there are more to attenD!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

WaitinG For Miracle~*

DoinG WEll in mY JOB SCOPE* But problem always come and come. No matter how many things I solve or settle there will be a new oNe out agaiN* ENDLESS ROAD... ChallengeR AlwayS Come to mE* Wil solve them in MATURE waY* After work Was having shopping with best buddy Randy at Taka and Parangon. Brought lots of clothes at Hugo boss. And Gucci* Than suddenly got a cal frm hm. . . . . Daddy sprain his back* waS So worrY At firsT* lucky is stil ok* feELInG HURT and HelpleSS* siaN!GoinG back to mY TKD training!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

A dreaM thaT Dun WannA wakE uP!

JusT Woke up! HavinG a DreaM that hope is reaL! I dream of her! We get back together! I dun wanna Wake uP early! I wan to spend a lonGer time With her In mY dreaM! ALthough dream does come true! But aleast I get to spend time with her In mY DreaM & Im happY! Really hope it true! BUt it does exist! HaI! Maybe I reallY thinK toO mucH! Nvrmind time to have mY breakfast!

I neeD DisciplinE & More OutstandING PERFORMANCE~*

I need some Discipline & Outstanding PerformancE in mY Work PlaCE! NO more shop shop on MondaY To THursdaY! ONli for fridaY! nEED EXtra COncentration In mY WorK!!
ThursdaY was HavinG a painfuL afternoon! SufferinG & endurinG frm the Miserable GastriC torture! After work than Meet Randy(GD BuddY)for BuffeT! WhiLE thaN After awhile Go for CraZY niTE! hahahahaS! EnjOY!
NexT morNinG! GoinG back to worK! HahahaS! HavinG A BluR stonE FaCE!
HahahaS! After work meet YinG Hui For Movie Nite! HahahaS! "CHOCOLATE"!!!!!! WAH! KUNGFU! 540 KicK! HAhahaaS! I alsO knW how to kicK! BUt Is a young little small gaL leh! Wow very Impressive! YinG hui I though u say u wan to sleep all the way till the whole movie show ends! hahahaS! But U Are watchinG THe WholE movie lEH! YuP forgotteN! Before thaT! WAs having Bakezin! HavinG Lavender tea & for her she was having Camoemon Tea(I hope This is how it speLL)! & Ice CreaM! Ya Ying hui Fren also got come! Er! Whats her name AR? ForgotteN! A very funnY Cute GAL! =)

Monday, May 19, 2008

ThE VesaK DaY~*

Yess~* TImE to BloG~* TOdaYs EvenT~ HavinG LuncH with WHole FamiLY include Sis(BF), BRO(GF) & Sis(Jerlynn)~* A big GatherinG~ HavinG Vegetalian... In the morninG! ThaN go Temple For PrayER~! ThaN Go shoP for DinneR~ MUmmY cooK~! HahahahAS! PLnninG to go aboard with Sis(Jerlynn) to Euro or Asia? hahahaS~! Is to relaX after aLL the HArdshiP i.e EfforT thaT have maKE in WOrK(CAREER) ~! BUt there are more to GO! hMmMmM~!TimE to rest~ Tmr will be a busY daY again~! Jia U~ & Sis(Jerlynn) rmb for our Lunch aR! Ur OCBC building wiLL BE very neaR me OrH! JIA U SIS! I WILL BE THERE FOR U DER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My New SonG~ 《等代的人》

Lyrics by Zen Lee

慢慢的走 慢慢的看
不想停 不想里
停留在时间 不能在回头看
空中的气温 也少了
笑话 笑声 也消失掉
满足的笑 也等代爱
而不是 ~
只要期代 就是爱
只要爱 就要去爱~

Monday, May 12, 2008


哈哈~ today usinG CHinese wor~* 突然想起了过去做的傻事~* 有些还是真的很好笑* 但是过去的错事都不能在完回~!爱一个人真的不容易~在一起也不容易~!有时候想起你的时候~突然好想把电话拿起来而开始打给你而说《你好吗》!但是我怕你会不开心!无论发生什么事我都会在你身后的!加油!~谢谢你让我知道世上是要求完美的~但是我会不停的要求完美!

你还记得这图案吗?你是第一个我带上去的而也是 Last oNE~ 上帝让我拥有你~!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


=) WanTeD tO RusH~*
DarE to DrivE~! TesT thE SpeeD~*!!! HahahahaS~* SomEoNe Is DriVinG~!

*~Sis(Jerlynn) & Me~*

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A GooD NEwS ThaT Can'T ShaRE WitH ThE PerSoN~*

Wooh~ YesS TImE for My BloGGeR aGaIn~* JusT goT bacK Home~! HavinG a relaxinG shower~! Feelin sO tireD todaY~ doinG lotS of Settlement, CurrencY thinGY & eveN Some reporT thinGS~* hMmMm~ Due to Tokyo & China side HavinG HolidaY~ WaH! Everything is like havinG ~W W III~
BuT everything Is still fine & even better thats show that I'm able to cope the task that given by My SuperioR! =) YuP~ HAvinG Good News today~
My HR (DIANA & SHERRY) CalleD Me TodaY~ SayinG thaT~*
"U got an contract frm thE companY in such a short Period~!" YeS I wiLL Keep It Up der~! Was feeLinG So HappY todaY but couldn't share with the person I LovE~* yUp~!
AnywaY this FridaY I'm meetinG Sis(Jerlynn) to have dinnER~ Thank U Sis For accompanY Me WheN I'm really Down & even feelin sO losT~ Although U ask me not to thinK about her anymore & even encourage mE to get into a New R/S an even give myself an the other a chance but I'm still thinkinG what can I do for Her~! She is the onlY one who can make me smile like before agaIN~! I dun blame her foR leavinG me~ SHe has a choice~! SHe is righT~! As lonG as she is happY I'm finE!
The WorDs thaT I saiD~ ThE OnlY goD GivE me Is U~****
*TimE To StrivE towarDs mY GoaL As a "YouNGeR AVP" Position~! NOthing CaN stop Me if I waN to~! SO I Believe I caN Do IT~!
YuP~ CheeRs GuyS~! Will Find sometime to Meet foR Lunch Ya~!