Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A GooD NEwS ThaT Can'T ShaRE WitH ThE PerSoN~*

Wooh~ YesS TImE for My BloGGeR aGaIn~* JusT goT bacK Home~! HavinG a relaxinG shower~! Feelin sO tireD todaY~ doinG lotS of Settlement, CurrencY thinGY & eveN Some reporT thinGS~* hMmMm~ Due to Tokyo & China side HavinG HolidaY~ WaH! Everything is like havinG ~W W III~
BuT everything Is still fine & even better thats show that I'm able to cope the task that given by My SuperioR! =) YuP~ HAvinG Good News today~
My HR (DIANA & SHERRY) CalleD Me TodaY~ SayinG thaT~*
"U got an contract frm thE companY in such a short Period~!" YeS I wiLL Keep It Up der~! Was feeLinG So HappY todaY but couldn't share with the person I LovE~* yUp~!
AnywaY this FridaY I'm meetinG Sis(Jerlynn) to have dinnER~ Thank U Sis For accompanY Me WheN I'm really Down & even feelin sO losT~ Although U ask me not to thinK about her anymore & even encourage mE to get into a New R/S an even give myself an the other a chance but I'm still thinkinG what can I do for Her~! She is the onlY one who can make me smile like before agaIN~! I dun blame her foR leavinG me~ SHe has a choice~! SHe is righT~! As lonG as she is happY I'm finE!
The WorDs thaT I saiD~ ThE OnlY goD GivE me Is U~****
*TimE To StrivE towarDs mY GoaL As a "YouNGeR AVP" Position~! NOthing CaN stop Me if I waN to~! SO I Believe I caN Do IT~!
YuP~ CheeRs GuyS~! Will Find sometime to Meet foR Lunch Ya~!

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