Thursday, December 25, 2008

Unpredictable Life~*

ChrisTmaS Eve does seem like one! More like an fell daY workinG! Finish work at
7:30pm!!!!!!!!!! and others left the office at 4pm sharp! and Me! work late! sigh!!!!!!!!!! after work go to bosS hse to Celebrate Christmas Eve! So tiring! Ate those BBQ food, Drink beer and doze off in the karaeok room! thaN go drink again! reach home at 6 plus! BTW thanks bosS and your husband for showing lots of care and concent towards me~ Really Appreciate! and Im tinkinG oF you My daR!
* Sometime u might be the outstanding onE~ But u can be the Best or the Worse one!
Being the outstanding one U need to be more careful while doing thingS~ Once You did a mistake people will start saying is it tis is it that! unlike the worse one! people will jus gossip all they one and jus dun care!
Really feelin tired when people does seem like giving some team work! Really hope those situation will be better! and stoP gossiping and saying that boSS is bias!!!!!! We are a team!! Im trying hard to help you guys out! Be a team!!!!!!! And not jus pushing work and being childish!
Im not superman! I cant do all three or four person work! I need to handle two persoN work load and not jus one person load like you all!!!!!!!!!!
Its tiring, and stresS! Is easy to say but is not easy to handlE!
(Dar hope I did not neglect you!!!!!! Im sorrY!!!!! I apologise for being toO emotional)!!!!!!!!!!! SorrY DaR! LoVE U!***********

Thursday, December 18, 2008


A wonderfuL dinner & dance conducted by DIANA & elsE! HahahaS!
After DND was rushing to Constance b'daY! With bei bao, Diana, COnstance & ME!
Eat Sing And DrinK! HAhahahaS! Was SO drunK! hahahaS! reach home at 5.30am! wOW! HAppeninG maN! Really EnjoY the day with U ALL! AND MY SWEETIE BEI BAO!!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW more pics will be uploadeD!

Fiona and ME! During DND! Act like an teacheR!!! =) KAWAYI DES!

Bei Bao wad are U doinG aR! IN mY rooM???????????????!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bei baO WOR~*

your fave rabbit! tinkin to buy u one! Rabbit frm london! SGD499!!!!A little ex for a bunnY!

Mont blanc(wallet) christmas Present from bei bao~*=) thank U! muacK!!!!Btw do like the watcH~?! Can see U like alot! ONe more present for U!!!!!!!! =) EX EX DER! GUESS WAD! a bag/dress/pet(SGD499 rabbit) or phone?! hahahahaS! will knw?! once u receive!

My new sweet homE~* stiLL under constructioN~*

Thursday, November 27, 2008

HeavY worK LoaD~*

Hai~ So tiring & also even feel stresS this few dayS~ Properly more tasks and work to to do~!
SOmetime really wants to have a short holidayS! DIdnt knw that I need to adapt so much tingy to mY (Zicrosoft) cell! TakinG over this and tat! Maybe boss think that I can cope up fast enough! BUT its really tired as in those people around u didnt even bother to ask how you feel & lend a single hand to rescue!!!!!!!! Wad a world! That consist of Selfishness and jelousY~! But there is eyes everywhere! Wad I can said Im trying hard to achieve and even to help! Hope U their others think this way toO! fEEL LIKE TEARING sometime! Its a very tough path and strugging intO thiS!
& my bosS EXpectatioN its toO high towards mE! I always think that Im still not into the standard yeT!

TO Mine lovely Sweetie(BEI BAO) I really enjoy the movie with u "007" ,but a Little lamE!, & Really can let me forget/forgot those DOCS & PROB that face in the work place! MIssinG you & Im looking forward to every SAT & SUN with YOU!ANTI stress daYS!

Monday, November 24, 2008


Time REALLY pASS FAST! FèelinG TireD! 我很努力去学习!我好累但我不会放弃!未来就在我手中*希望这一切能让我突破*压力我一定能够克服*!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

StresS & tirinG BuT wiLL endurE~*

It might be stresS & tirinG~ buT its part of mY liFE~* A START MIGHT BE ALITTLE BITTER BUT THERE WILL BE SWEETNESS COME IN A LATER PART~ ENDURE! *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
U are rite Dar~* staY Focus anD Calm, when dealing with MatterS and probleM~!
Its part of mY life to facing those ProbleM! The higher u climb the difficulty u will face! But its A LEARNING PROCESS to me!

* DaR DaR hope u are enjoying the triP RITE NOW!
* Remember to PlaY SaFe and WILL sEe U sooN! MisSinG you!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

FeeLinG tirinG & a littLe oF ConfustioN~*

Today a shedule a little busY & tirinG~! BusY teachinG mY nEW Colleague & learninG neW thinGY! Sometime Im thinkinG whY liFe had to be like thiS~* WHY Am I workinG sO hard & get NothinG~* I reallY feeL TirinG~ WHeN caN I be the ONE WHo DrivE A CAR To the OFFICE & HAD mY OWN APARTMENT~??????? Its like stiLL dunnO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its tirinG when people start to compare and even judge the future of yourS would be likE~! bUT it remind me of something I neeD to BE independent!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO worDS bUT juSt an AcheivemenT & Result!!!!!!!!!!!!! ThankS DaddY for the supporT U guve to me! Dar I reallY wish I can DO iT!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

HousE WarminG~*

Yesterday was having Hse warminG~=) everyone was like so happY~! Special thanKS to My Dearest Daddy & Mummy! woke up earLY in the morninG just to prepare thE fooD & some delicious disheS~ and foR mY joB is to help to clean and tidY up the WholE housE! hmMm~* EveryonE waS enjoYinG thE moment~! Btw There somemore hse warminG! FamilY memberS, DaddY FreNs, MummY FreNs, Sis FrenS & Bro FrenS!!!!!!!!!!!!
HahahahS~! So manY tO gO! anYway ItS time to Prepare for mY "IPPT"! hahahaS!
hmMmM~ thiNkiNG waD to geT foR ChristmaS GifT! =) hMmM~ HOlidaY is OveR!!! TimE to WOrk haRD for TMR~! =x
DaR I'm miSSinG U!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

ChanGeS In My LifE~*

There's a place`~ There's a need~ There's One who U can Trust~*
Who make my life out of miserable~ A happinesS can be a little short & can be just like an lighting speedly when thru acrosS the cloud..... But its just a matter of Cherish & memories~ Who makes u thinK that isn't a waste of time but a Good thinGs to be remember~* To someonE whO I LoveS~* CheeRS~*

Sunday, October 5, 2008

hAHa CUtiE~*

Saturday, October 4, 2008

THe DaY witH u~*

LaZy To geT somethinG, So decide to cooK somethinG for mYself & stay In mY ComforT hse~* (Mee frM S'pore + Ingredient frM Korean) =) yuMMY BUt Super SpicY~!!!!!!!

No morE fooD~! =x

HeY No GreedY~* We sharE the cakE Ya! =)

Monday, September 29, 2008


HEy guys Was busY with WOrK and MovinG hsE & doinG some cleaninG and UnpackinG~! =)
wiLL update MOrE of mY WonderfuL LiFE~! A Perfect Atmosphere foR mE~!

HeY YoU! =)

WinK~ MuacK! CutiE DaR DaR~* WiTH SitCH!!!!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008


Thursday, September 4, 2008

RunninG againsT thE wavE!!!!!!!!

hi guYs~ lonG didnt bloG le! waS quite busY in mY currenT joB & StudieS!!! PLuS Im movinG tO a New EnvironmenT~* Which meaN thaT ITs A new beginninG oF mY LifE~!
YeaH~ i got new challengE in my joB!!!!!!!!!!! =)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

ReLaX & smiLE~*


NationaL daY CeLebratioN

AT SeafooD Harvest Resturant oN 15 AugusT 2008~*

On 13 AugusT 2008~* (PS Japanese Resturant)