Tuesday, April 29, 2008

ResT oR jusT MovE oN~*

Hmmmm~ Just came back homE from worK~ ANyway TodaY everything seem like getting smooth & steady~! In deeP there are loTs oF smIlinG & funnY things happEN! hahahas~ Erm~ Suddenly Feel That~ There are stiLL room for improvemenT~(For My JOB)!!! LonG time didnt get to catch uP with aLL my sweeT FreNs~ HaI~ Life is tough buT if u get to achieve wad u want u will feeL Extrodinary HaPPY~! This is wad I call as "CHALLENGE" & even "FeelinG Of AcheivemenT" in HRM~!HahahaS~!
So I had to do now is endure even its tough & tiring~! oH YA~ TalkinG about worK~ I'll introduce mY BEST Partner "SiminG" mY Mentor! HahahaS! thanks For everything~! Grace(Section Head) & Cindy(God Mum)~ Thanks For the teachinG, Care & Guide! U guYs givinG me lots of courage to move on to the next level & even stages to improve & I believe one day I can be wad I wan to reach my future Expectation~!
*From Grace~ She said the higher u are!
(More Responsible & morE Challenge will Be FacE)
Im considered the Fortunate onE~ TO have a Great Colleague(MENTOR & TEACHERS)~! +)
Thank U! I appriecate wad U guys give me! No matter wad I will JusT MOve On & seek for more improvement & even GettinG to the higher stageS~=) CheerS~ Anyway, Its Time for me to resT & prepare for the next Challenge~ WorkinG tmr morning & even having mY Exam(Acct paper =x)in the Noon.............

Thursday, April 24, 2008

=) YeaH I brouGhT MothErs DAYs PresenT Le!

Yeah Just finish MarketinG Paper todaY~ ErM~ Quite Ok laR~ StiLL can Manage~ hahahaS~ Btw~ HappY~ Rush dowN to Ochard jus to buY Present For MummY~ YeaH =)~ Brought a ~SWAROVKI Bracelets For MummY~ Although is not easy to earN money~ BUt as long as MummY like it can le~ MummY I will work hard DeR~ MUACK MUMMY~ =)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

*~NiCE ColleaGuE In CompANY~*

YuP~ Today was kinda busY~ indeep this Month waS super BusY~ No time for FreNs neither A ShorT Break~ Erm~ BUt giving myself some break rite now for blogging~ =)
Tempo Was so fast but due to the teamwork~ We manage to finish it under our EXTIMATION~ which is gooD~ YuP~! I'm sO luckY to worK alonG with MY SwEET Colleague~ Although sometime I THey're quite Aggressive to worK~ BUt LuckY I manage to cope up with them~ & ya tHey're so helpfuL & always treating me like their childreN~ Cause Im the youngerS theRE~ HahahahaS~


TODay Was havinG lunch with Shuyi, Weiye, Candy & his BF~ Yup~ I feelinG Weird rite~ hahahaS~ BUT We are still FRENS LaR! YUP~! ThaN after lunch Rush back to oFFicE~ To FINISH UP ALL THE SETTLEMENT & REPORTS~ YUP~!

Er~JUst finish my HRM PapeR on monday~ There are two more paper tO go~ Which is MARKETING & ACCOUNTING~ ThaN FInaL PapeR is ApriL 30th~
PlanninG tO BuY MOTHERS DAY PRESENT~ after my exam period~!

& ya after exam wIll meet uP with U DeR~ MY gooD FREN (RANDY)~ Meet Only on FRIDAY NITE & SAT~ CAUSE week day got to ResT early & got to work~ =) YuP I will remember ouR ShoppinG daY & also Be A Gd maN~! HahahahaS~! Cause We believe in KArmA~! Hmmmmmm~! GoT to Revise mY Marketing Le! See YA! NITE~!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

CouRagE ThaT RemembeR!

HeY........ LonG time didn't blog le! Somehow wanted to update u guys about mY new LIfE & challenge that I meT~!

Was Quite busY~ =) But I enjoY iT~ waS kinda ChallenginG~ rather than staY home Watch TV , wonderinG a Round or eveN BeinG waDever!

YuP anyway I enjoY working in a very busy & stressfuL environment~ ErM I won't describe it as stressful laR! For mY case I treat it as ChallenginG Environment~! Hmmmmm~ BuT Everyday got to wake up early to wash up & even dress up~ AnD TraveL to mY work placE! & for mY Case~
EverydaY I have to learN new thinGS! Although Is quite stressfuL buT I enjoY frM iT! hahahaS!
I'm sO Weird riTE~! PreviouslY, I feel quite tired of havinG Work & Study at the same time~ BUt now I feel that is better & it suit me~ Cause I have NO GF~! NOthing to worry or even ThinK about iT~!
*********BUt I believe that If she(*E**N*) is still around, I will feel betteR! I believe thinGs that she said is Sincere & She can give me the =), & she is the one I LOVE THE MOST! BuT Dream On maN!!!!!!! hahahaS!
Nothing Can change Her~ Decision has make everything is clear enough to understand~! So Is time to face the realistiC liFE, & jus melt all the Gd memories into mY Empty Heart~
CheeRS~! GuyS~! TimE to sleep le~ GoT to wake early in the Morning! NITE niTE!
zzzzzzZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

ThE =) ~*

ShE looK likE the persoN I LOvE~*

ThE smilE! CheeRs~

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

JusT A SMiLE In LifE~*

Hee hee~! LOng time never go blog le~ Finally have sometime to blog~ Yesterday was having dinner & Movie nite with Ying Hui straight After my work~ Wah was so tiring~ BUt I had enjoy the great movie last nite~ NIce MOvie & have a nice chat with "Ying Hui" about things that happen at my work & my life~! & yuP~ A Nice person to chill up with or even talk to~ =)

I believe That Life for me is wonderfuL~ Although sometime I feel down or even up~ life still have to carry on~ jusT like wad I feel now~ Things that I wan doesn't come to me. . . Expecially people that I LOVE~ It doesn't matter as long as she is happY I will be happy too! Just a little busy this dayS~ I believe that I still have a long jouney to walk & even carry on~
SOmetime I even face difficuitly~ & has to face it~ & I believe that the biggerS enemy in this World is non other than MYself~ To have self discipline & Humble~ ! YuP~

Actually this few days have been learning & absorbing lots of new things or even concept from the Senior Staff Colleague~ They are really kind & helpful~ There are more things to learn from them~
& ya I have to Thanks my fren frm introducing me the Job & also my collague from EVENT managerment~ Although I have been busy working & learning in my current Job~ But I will not FOrget about u guys~ Will try to visit U guys when time allows~ or even Come & Help up too! Whenever u need me! =) MissinG U guyS~! CheeRS~*

There are lotS Of thinGs to adept in mY Life & even in my future CareeR ProspecT~!
Although sometime things dun go my wayS~ *BUt U Have NO choice~ Mistake that u had make, you will always have to learn from it or either seek for better solution to solve it & not Just avoid from it~! This is wad I learn in My LifE~!

Anyway Time to rest & ya I'm tired le! SleepY~ Nite Nite GUyS~

Friday, April 4, 2008

CareeR MeaNs mY FuturE~*

Nothing can hold me back~ Only FamilY Sweetness, Courage & Love~!
Sometime things is realistic~ U can only have Freedom Or CareeR~ But choocse to dismiss freedom & mY decision is CareeR~ So in that case I have to be stronG~! =)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

MorE ThinGS To LearN~*

YuP~ Just come back from work~! Lucky still can manage in Work~ Friendly environment~ HelpfuL people around me~ Got to arrange my table abit~ MEssY~ Was quite busy with work~! MOre new thingS to absorb in mY BraiN NeW hardware ~ hahahaS~! =) LOve U Daddy~ Thanks for the Herbal tea~ HahahaS still having Flu~! But recover abit le~! CheeRS~ Got to resT earlY~ Need to work tmr agaiN~! NitE niTE mY FreN~! z z z Z Z Z~!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Attending my first day in Trade Finance Department~! Excited~! Got to wake up early~! Hope my flu can recover asap~! BLuR BluR~! FResH LooK & FresH DaY ahead~ =) CheeRS ZeN~!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

It jus like an 围墙 TO mE~

FeelinG tireD~ HavinG a very bad flu today~ Really bad~ When back to office today~ Meeting the Head of Department~! Hai~ Feeling quite tired this feel dayS~ How are u~! I really miss U so much~ I really wish to to see U~! & tell u how much I miss U~! I know is hard for u to turn back~!