Saturday, March 29, 2008

ThinGs thaT I did foR TodaY~*

YuP~* time for a small update~ YuP woke early in a morning~ Having breakfast with Sis & her BF~ yuP~ thaN When for TKD training~ Nothing much today~ Train the little one~ Is gd to see them improve~ Ya In fact I Treat them really fierce~ Scold them & Punish them~ BUt after I realize that need to explain to them why I punish them~ Ya its for their own gd~ I just dun wish to see my student get hurt. Cause everytime whenever we send them for friendly match they are always the one who got beaten~ See le also heart ache ya~ but after that I explain to them why I did this & that~ They improve after the words that I say to them~ & Treating it more seriously =) happY to see thaT~* YuP & I show them my 50 kick in less than 1 min~* HahahaS~ After the kick feelin so tired~ unlike last time~

Dunno why this days always having bad Headache~! Than Took a nap in the afternoon~ Wake up le~ Suddenly got one feelinG ~ WAnted to Write song~ Than start writinG~ YuP~ & Jus finish writing my new sonG~Yup in deep a niCe sonG~ hahahaS~!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

MOre BUsY, MorE Challenge & LeSs FreedoM~*

YuP~* Was feeling so excited today~ When for a 2nd last interview~ Wow didn't know that the COmpany is so GLOBAL~ I.e Big Organisation so many door to enter to reach the main one~ & I like the office~ So high & can see the sea~ Wow~ Waiting to meet up with the Head Of Department~ ON my last intervieW~ Woah~
Still Dunno Which Department I will GO?

They told me that I will lose my freedom as in less Social time~ BUt is alright~ I have enough freedom le~ Its time to Run towards my DREAM! I'm no longer a kids~ I'm old enough to face the Challenge~! I believe that hardship & effort will show result~* Two main thing I had to arrange well in my Now~

Sorry Frens~ This few dAY really busy~ I will try to find time for u all~ CheerS~
My Career is on my waY~* My style iN worK ~ Nvr rely on anyone~ & JUsT do it urself~*

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

TodaY feeLinG exciteD~*

Wooooooh~* YipEE~* FinallY The next challenge is coming uP in my life~ FacinG all kind of challenge now! Will be my first time in the Business field~ Wow~ So excited~ HappY~! My First step towards my DREAM~* =) Work hard towards mY DrEAM~* YiPeE~

Yup yesterday. Having Dinner with MY god Sis(Jerlynn)........ Thank U Sis for treating me Drink at TCC & buffet at bugis~ & Ya Sis I will be Ur Bride mate der~ DUn worry ok!~ & thank Sis for encourage me to go for work at Bank~ =) Jie Jie~ was So happy Yeasterday~ Thank U~!

& Ya NOt forgetting My Sweetest FamilY~ For Encouraging & always give me Moral & Physical support~ LOVE U all~ Will WOrk hard DeR~!
Was having Event meeting at Drangonfly~ =) Shennon & Yilin tryin to be funny~!
On Monday~

Friday, March 21, 2008

FuturE Ahead Is Tough~!

YuP~ HAvinG Lunch today with FamilY~ Eat Japanese fooD~ YumMY NicE at CentraL c~ ANyway is Sis treat de~ hahAHAS~ EXpensivE~ Ya~ YUP~

And the rest of the day is like talking about my Worked~ YuP~ HavinG Tough time ahead~ this few day had been busy doing my RESUME~! Soon I will be in Part time Study le & Full Time work~ Anyway I Can take the CHallenge & I will Accept the Challenge toO~ I will nvr give Up~ I believe that in order to Success, things will be tough at the StarT~ Ya And So I told Daddy that I will accept it~& even face it~! Just hope that things will be Fine~

Anyway I play until super lousy for basketball taining~ JUsT likE an FooL~

* & Ya~ I really miss U~! HOw Are U~! Sometime I ask myself why can't I forget U~ Now I knw the answer~ Its BEcause

Monday, March 17, 2008

The PhotO~* ThaT misseS~*

THE KicKz In TaiwaN~*
TirinG niTE~*

RunninG oN thE waY~*

Friday, March 14, 2008

WhY arE U speciaL tO mE~*

Hee~* WHen to gyM after schooL~ LonG time didnt traIN~ Cause Was BusY & faLL sicK~ yaY~ After gyM go watch "STEP UP 2"~ Really very nicE~! They arE sO Pro~ And their sO sweeT & touchinG~*
hahahaS~ So funnY was sitting alone in thE middle of the cinemA~!I will be haPPy, if U are there witH mE~* I though I am still dreaming & thinking u are still in China~ But it wasn't truth~ I lie tO myself~ tellin Me that U will be back to me~* But the answer Is!~ It will nvr be happEN agaiN~ aM I rite~* *~*~*~*~*~ hAhahah~ EmO agaiN~ this is for my New song lar~ My new lyrics~ SOmething missinG rite~ Anyway I am writing to someone I miss~* Its for U again~
I dunno why I always dreaM of U~* Maybe this is really wad I feeL~*

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

ResTinG HomE~ weakinG~

Wooh~ Resting home this few days.......... When to see doctor after schooL~ Doctor say I got food piosoninG~ Today ate onlY fish baLL soup~ Weak bodY~LuckY finish mY MarketinG Project YEsterdaY~ Going to hand in tomorroW~ Endure for aleast 5 days le~! BUt now finally can't take it le........ GastriC so PaiN~* Feelin the pain in my heart is Worse thaN other thing~ I jusT hope that you're always happY~ I just hope you won't treat me like an stranger~ I really miss the day in Top of the Mount Faber looking at STAR~* I just wan a simple love you can give me and a chance that you could give me~ Im feelin sad when my birthday you didn't turn up~* and even a birthday wish u didnt give me~* I was waiting for ur Sms and even wish~* I just need a simple Love~* Just a sweet Love~*

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Gosh~ I got fooD piosoninG~

Sigh~ No energy to walk or even eat~ I got food piosoniniG~ Vomited~, giddy~ stomach achinG~ attended to toilet aleast 12 time~ Im weak now~ No mooD~ didnt really eat this few days~ GosH~* No energy to type le~ In need of resT~* Havent see doctor yeT~ If still getting worse I might see doctor!~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Friday, March 7, 2008

FriendShiP endS witH OnE SilenT~*

*WhaT could I say~* nothing I could Said~ only a Sincere apologise that I could give~! SorrY & JusT Sorry~ If have done anything that U won't be happY~ No matter wad I jus hope that U guyS will stay in one heart~ & Dun bacause of ? thaN just spoilt the relationship oF frenS~! GuyS I will still be ur freNS if U all still treat me as onE~! CheerS~

My fav Hse~*

Today Im feelin Miserable not becos of me having Fever or about COmpetition~ IS becos of a frenS~ A freNS that I trust & cherish~ yuP~ thaTS Wad I could say! Having to said thanks for the people around me~ although U guys didn't manage to turn up my competition~ I had to say thank U~ I knw U guys wans to come~ But busy~ ANyway THANKS~ ThankS to Angel, Ver, Catherine, sharon & the rest of the Supporter~ Spending ur cherish time with me~! Cheers~!~ aNYWAY i alsO dunno why Im always sick lar~ MAybe Im just busy & have some un finish proBleM to slove~! I saw her~ the onE that once LOVE the most but~ She treat me jus like an strangeR~!Ya~ & Do U knw How I feel~? Do u rmb wad u say to me~ In ur life u only have Me & ur best FreN~ I still rmb this~ Sometime I jus hope that things that happen could change~ ya It only happeN in doreamon world~! I rmb the time U look at me~ And say to me that U love mE~ I was likE~ Dreaming~!!!!!!!!
Anyway for now im jus care about mY Family, Study, Career & Best FreNS~! ~ YA~!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Vivo Lunch~ witH "FunnY aR"~*

HeY~ havinG lunch at Vivo city after schoOL with "?"funnY aR~! hahahAS~ Btw thanks foR beinG late aR~ though u won't be late this TimE~ & yA~ I havE enJoY havinG a great lunch with U yA~ SmilinG~ ThankS for aLL thE "funnY aR"~ Anyway hope U like that TOp~ HahahahaS~ Promise to get U one~ unlike someone who just came back from Melbourne & get ChiPs for me~ In the end nVr brinG~* HahahahaS~ Jus kiddinG La~ & Ya thanks for all the laughter~ Im quite HappY todaY~ =)

Was quite tired today when back home straight~ after the Lunch, shop & chit chattinG~ & ya I drink Ben & Jerry (Strawberry cheesecake Milkshake) Hmmmmmm~ NIce~! TooK a afternoon NaP~ waH~ iTs TimE to spenD time witH mY MarketinG ProjecT~ researcH~ ResearcH~ & researcH~ HaI~ waD A busY MontH~ loTs of thinGs to handle & even solvE~
*JusT hope that thE persoN who likEs to create trouble~ & eveN tryinG tO spoilt others emotion & even future~ Just a gentle reminder to U~ PlZ~ JusT Stop~ I have enough of all the crapZ~ Although I didn't lose or gain anything~ but I just hope that mY FreNS wiLL be alright~ PlZ~ This is mY lasT advise to U~ & I dun wan to involve with this~ Ya! ThankS~
*Anyway sorry guys~ wanted to watch movie with u all de~ But really lonG time nvr see fren le so decide to meet up loR~YuP~ Its timE to continue My Project~
WiLL update more when I'm Free~ hahahaS~ CheeRs~!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Miserable TimE~

EvenT on No druGs & jus DancEs ~Saturday & Sunday~
*~Pang XianG & His Gf, Shennon & ME~*

YIpEE~ GooD News~ I when into the Semi-final~ YuP~ But is hard for me to get into final~Cause I have to Sing Fast EnglisH sonGs~ I had never even Sing a fast english song Before in My MY LIFE~ ChallenginG LIFE~ & ya Finally~ I cuT mY haiR le (At chapter 2)~ Er hahahahaS~ Thanks to Denise, Angel & Ver~ LAughinG & teasing me~ HeLLO NoT FunnY hor~
hahahaS~ Anyway the services is quite gooD~ =) oH gosh~ forgotten to took Passport Size Photo for Student Pass ~ busY Day ahead~ anyway got to finish Up MY project on time~ HAi~ SleepY woR~ Eyes closing ~Nite nite~ Guys~