Thursday, November 29, 2007

Hey GuYs thE vidEO has already uploaded~

Hey GuyS My video has already uploaded to my bloG~* Ya I know some of them has miSS up the performance~ So U can watch it from here~ *~thanks to Andre who take the video~ YUP SMiLE~*!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

HavinG A DreaM~*

HaVinG A DREAM~* 28 NOV 2007

ThiS MOrninG Before I woKE Up~ I haD a DreaM~ DreaM oF Her~ She told me thaT she miss me~ I was like So shock~ whY suddenly she tell me this~ tHan my Hp alarm rinG~ SO jus Wake uP~ HahahahS Was jus A DreaM~ I knW is impossible~ Maybe I'm jus too tired ba~! hahahahS! *~I miss ThiS HanDs & The DayS WE hAd~*

There Is NO regreTs~*

Than Take A SHoweR quickly rush to sch & meeT andre for breakfast~!TOday doinG Economics~ HaI~ One more month to exam period! Had to do more practise & revisioN le~ Monday Have PresentatioN! GosH! Me presentinG maN~ hahahahS~ Should be able ba~ LOts of IncominG event~ Shack! After sch go for lunch with frenS~ thaN Head to SinG K with all My Gd FrenS~ Andre, robin, Kenny, eugene, Verni, Angeline, Joan~ & (Raymond)(LATE COMER)=0 hahahahaS~ funnY~ Shout like heLL~ hahahahaS~ aFTER that EaT dinneR~ Eat~ (SataY/Hokkien noodle/fried kwai tiao/carrot cake/BBQ chicken winG)~ PoweR~ faT fat faT!~ BuT NIcE yummY~* ThankS To My GD FreNS~ U guYs BrighteN UP My day~! SmiLE~ =) By the waY~ MummY cooking dunno wad honG konG crab~ (hairy Crab) hahahahaS~ LOVE MUMMY too~*

Did anyonE seE Superstar StanDinG & Singing with Emo~ hahahahaS~KiddinG~

Legend Of the HairY CraB~* HAhAhAS~*

Monday, November 26, 2007

HanG OvEr AgaiN~*


Now HavinG a Bad bAd headachE~ hANg OveR AGAIn~ YesterdaY NiTE WaS My FuN NItE~ MeetinG UP WitH Tino(Lao Shi), Chuai Yi, Joely, Esther, Jia Jun, Xiao Ke(lao shi)....... GoinG to some placeS tO ENJoy~ SinG LoTs OF SonG~ WaH everyonE caN sinG lOl~ hahahahaS~ ReallY~ =) AfteR thaT we go Chuai Yi HoteL rooM starT PlaYiN somE GamE~ GosH~~~~~~~~~~ The HoteL RooM REallY NIcE Man~* ReallY very NICe~ CooL~ HearD from Xiao Ru(CHuai Yi personal Assitant) is like quite Expensive~ Quite worth It ba~ the GAME thaT we play is like calling ouT onE code~ ThaN Someone wiLL type the code in the Hp AND AT THE same TIme we cannot haVe the same code no. with the person~ Eeeeeeeeerrrrrrr~ How should I puT iT~ ? nVRMIND NEXT TIME TEACH u GUYs~ dRINk ALOTs~ wINe & bEEr~ * bUT really FuN~ ThankS GuyS~ ReallY enjoY~* hahahahaS~=)
~Lao shi EatinG homemake popiaN mummY MaKE de~hahahahaS NIcE~ YUmmY~
The Hotel LobbY~

A BusY WeeK~*

Friday 231107

On fridaY....... WhilE I waS going to worK~ I realize that I lose mY IC~ GosH~ Was late for work~ Reported to poliCE~ SiaN~! MoodY~ But LuckilY One of my FreN ( Hui SHaN) keeP on MakinG me smiLE!...... Thank U~!

SatUrdaY 241107

SaturdaY when For TKD training~ After thaT~ YuP~ aFter thaT MeeT JeaN & Peter For RevisioN~ & Ya WaS tirinG after traininG~ But Has finisH Up the chapteR~


hahahahaS~ after revisioN~ WHen home for a shower & steamboat dinner with mY familY! Thanks Daddy & MummY I LOVE THE FOOD! YUMMY! After dinNer~ Meet Up With My dearesT ClassmateS~ yIPEE~cLASS pUTINg AGAIn~ PubbinG NiTE~

WaS Abit DrunK~ YuP thanks TO u all~ Really~ I'm really happY dun worrY~!

Me & Joan~*My Small EyeS~

SundaY 251107

Attended CHuai Yi EP~ meetinG with his FANS~ HahahaS~ After That~ PubbinG~ TO RELAx! HeY Can see U are really shack~ SmiLE ok~ hahahahS~ cHUAI yI~ i KNw i lose to u in pool I will win U one daY Ok~ HAHAHAHAS~ SmiLE OK! TirinG daY Will pass fast dE~ aND dUN FORGET MY BIRTHDAY present~ hahahaS~ Jia U~

HopE Everything WiLL Be alright~

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

TimE to MoVe oN~ FastER~

WaH~ gosH~ GOinG to worK lateR~ SO shacK & TirEd~ Didn't reallY manage tO FIniSh uP aLL My HOmewoRk~ HAD to reaD DictionarY HAI~ BuT WaS KinD of ChallenG~ CausE I nvr reallY ReaD thE dictionarY befoRe~ HAs plaN foR todaY Programme...... AftER WOrK haD to ~ studY studY studY studY & studY~ whicH meaNs I duN haV muCh timE foR REsTinG~ YA waS KinD oF shacK~ BUt StiLL CaN HandLE~ Now was feelinG Abit uncomfortable~ SicK~ slight fever~ but stiLL Ok~ and YA~ Daddy saY I slim down Le~ So hAppY~ =) tomorroW waS mY workinG daY agaiN~! SiaN~ AfteR scH~ go for awhile of revisioN~ thaN had to go for worK~ ThiS Is How I spenD My daY~ HaI~

*****************I timE I ruN I will Start thinKinG ABout THe pasT, ThE HappineSS, THe momenT, The day thaT we spend timE togetheR~

Everytime U huG Me I feeL warM~ I can't wait to saY I loVe U~ But I waS too Late~ I did not give U thaT kiNd Of freedoM & else~ I waS too selfisH~ & now I havE RegreTed~ ThE worDs THaT U said to ME waS HurT~ BUT~

I dun blame YoU~ NO matter wad happeN~I wiLL STill cherish you In My HearT~

***************ThankS For the happinEss we ever haD~ ThankS for wordS you GiVe ME~ ThankS For ThE SweetesT KisS We ever HAd~ & ThankS for everythinG~ I MisS You~ & sO I had to LEt U Go~ & MOve ON~ To MY New StageS Of liFE~

*~ThanKS To MY dearesT FaMIlY & FrenS~ GivinG me SupporT & Courage To Move ON~*




YesterdaY NiTe~ AftER worK go straighT to mEeT My Lao shi & hiS BrotheR..........

Cause His bro going back TO Arrange thosE BusinEsS thinGY~ CaN see He is quite shack~ haV to RusH herE & theRE~ JUS TO settle all the business thinGY~ PooR GE GE(BRO)...... SO we decideD to go foR A drinK~! GosH~ WaS abit drunK~ So I decideD to seT My HP alarM LOuD~ HahahaS~ LuckilY I waS On TimE~ didn't latE for LEssoN~! yUp~ BuT was Abit HanG OveR~! Ya SorrY guYS WaS so blUR~! HahahahaS! SHacK cannoT ThinK~ everyoNE askinG! Zen ARE U OK? hahahaS YuP i'm OK~ & FInE~! ThankS GUYS~
Yup after lessoN wheN for LuncH witH MY dearesT FRENS~ aT tionG (KOPITIAM)........ abouT more thaN 10 people ba~ afteR lunch We go vivo city for disscussioN~

ME was havinG cheeSe CakE~ YammY NIcE~ and the resT Of thaN waS havinG chocolate cake & thosE BlendeD ICe~ Oh & YA ~ SOrrY Keith~ REallY SorrY~ accidentally spiLL the drinK on UR PAnTS~ SORRY~ YuP smILE OK~ WE saTurdaY gO HappY LE ~ hahahahahAS~!

after taT~ WAS havinG DInNER With Eugene~ DenisE~ JOaN.......... =) ThanKs joaN & denise FOr Ur sweeT OysTEr, thanK galS! thankS Andre, Eugene, RObin, keith, kennY~ for calMinG mE DOwn~ ThankS PeeRS & BRo!
StomAch FeelInG so UNweLL~ wHeN For joGGING for 8KM~ DurinG the run I wad WAs FeeliNg SO ShacK nOW! Eyes gettinG smaller~ tireD~ =) REmemBeR ON SAT~ Class OUtinG~=)

Monday, November 19, 2007

*~WorK & StuDy~*

ToDaY waS a ShacK daY~ ConCentraTE~ iN ClASs toDaY~~~~~~ Jus wheN foR a shorT jog~! YuP KeePinG FiT~WaS toO tirED to thinK~! HaD to WorK tomorroW! Nvrmind "chi de ku zhong ku fan wei ren shang ren"~ A worD TaT alwaYS REmIND ME!~

WaS planninG For saTurdaY claSs outinG~ ClubbinG oR PubbinG oR (mayBE go ZOO see animaL) ba! lot peoplE goinG! Hai moodY!

WaS thinkin back~ climbinG uP (MoUnt FabeR) witH someonE I lovE!! Thought I caN spenD christmaS wiTh hEr! All MY plaN HAs StaRTeD~ BuT thE StorY hAs end sO faSt~! LOvE SOmeonE meaninG haD to learN to relEAsE~ HopE she is HappY always~


God bleSS hEr!

Now I hAD NO rOOm FOr anYonE~ IS LikE A BOdY WithouT HeaRT~

ConcentratE In MY StudY~!

ThE BesT is YET TO BE~!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

~OuR FirsT CLaSS OuTinG~

~OuR FirsT ClaSS OutinG~
Hi GuYS~ HappY TO saY ThaT this waS Our first ClaSS OutinG~ AlthouGH Some couldn't make iT & OnlY 10 people attendeD For THe lasT miN ClaSS OuTInG! But THerE Will Be MoRE CominG UP~! SMiLE! HappY to SaY everyoNE HaD EnjoY IT~! Ya!

SmiLE~TogetheR wE StudY HaRD & PLaY HARD ToO~! CheeRs~!

FreNS FOrevER~*


ActioN 2

ActioN 3

HaNDsomE MA~

Friday, November 16, 2007

PubbinG NiTE WitH FrEnS~!

PUBBING NITE~More PicS...........

SMiLE~ RUshinG to work nOW~! SorrY guyS~! WiLL chaT With U aLL tonighT OR TOmorrOW~! Send U guYS aLL thE PhotO~! SmiLE~!


Performance Not Up to STandarD~

Hai~ Wad a waste..... todaY~ Didn't perfomance uP to standard!~ ShacK!~ Will trY harder NexT timE!~ WiLL trY to upload Into com to show u guYs the song that I plaY & sing! YUP!~ SmiLE THankS guYS for ur Support!~ GOinG OuT toniGHT! CheeRS! LonG time nvr GO EnJOY lE! See You GUYS!~ Nvr drink WHen drive aR! hahahaS~! ToniGHt ClaSS GatherinG yiPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! SMiLE!~ ANdrE hahahas.......... U saY thaT PiGEoN NOt bAD aR!~ BUt ~ NOt really intresteD LA~! JUs JokiN onlY!~ BUt (IA) SHe seeN liKE enjoY the sonG tat I plaY~! hahahahaS! KIddinG! YuP JUS enjoY MY BACHALOR LIFE~!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Challenging daY AgaiN~

Jus caME bacK from work todaY~!!!!!!! TirinG~! WheN bacK Home straighT AfteR WOrK~! ReaLLy tireD~! Now had to prepare For mY drivinG teST~! and tomorrow had performance(esG~ A minI sCh ConcerT)~! WiLL trY to take more Photo tomorroW~! SorrY guYS Really tireD to tAlk waS feeLin moodY & tireD~! WiLL haV A fresH daY tomorroW~~~~~~~~! NOw had to start revisioN On mY ECON........~ DunnO can complete before 2:00am MA~! TirED~! No choiCE HAd to do iT~! SooN had to move housE le~! Had MY own PersonaL rooM~ BUt had to start saving $......... Cannot anyhow spend $, Jus LIke before~! High Expenses! DaddY GivinG Me STreSS~ siaN~ But I don't blame him!!!!!!!!!! Is for my OwN Good~! Is a good start for ME! A neW LiFE for ME! A ChallenGE For ME~! I caN do iT~!

The BeginninG of BAchaLOR LiFE had starTeD~! SMiLE~! =)


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

PrettY LighT In OcharD~

Jus finisH My RevisioN, at MY sWeeT HOmE! Ya TodaY WhilE WOrkinG My Manager Alex told me tat i'm so LuckY to had a GooD daddY! CauSe my daddy brought A new pair of LAtheR SHOeS FOr ME taT CosT $125 oN SundaY// SO eX~ & Is likE BrinG IT to mY WorkinG plaCE asking me to WeaR IT! cAUse I was complaininG Tat My lEG is Pain! YuP~! MY HeaRT Was TOucH ~! FeeLinG So sorrY~ Daddy I will concentrate in mY StudY & Career de! DUn worrY! I won't let U dowN! SOmetime I Knw I let U worRY! BUT I have Learn a LEssoN lE! WOn't do anY siLLy THinGS! Jus NOw while walkinG back after work at ochard road~ Seeing those christmaS LighT! Really feel Gd and IT reminDed me ~HER SweeT SMILE~ ! I promise her not to let her go & SHe DId TOo~! BUt she had to gO~! I'm No LonGer A MAN TAT SHe waNS & LOVES!~ So I haD to release~ NO ChoiCE! BuT iS A FACT! ~TIrinG DAYS~ YA soRRY LAO shi I can't meet U tonight! CauSE I haD LessoN TOmorrow! Had to concentratE! SO HAd To ResT eaRLY! NExT tIME BA! HahahahS! YuP~! HavinG LoTS oF Programme TOmoRroW~

LessON, DisscuSSIoN & REHEARSAL~ TomorroW WiLL Be a NICE DAY~!

Monday, November 12, 2007

FevEr~ SiaN~

WakE Up early In the MOrninG~ Was FeelinG so Tired~ and blur! WorkinG oN sunDAy Wah~ ShacK! attend scH~ HavinG Econ lessoN todaY waS So BluR! but Catch uP lE! HAhahas! Concentrate IN clasS! AftER ClasS Was Havin Lunch WitH mY Interesting cLASSMate....... fuNNy MakinG ME SmiLE alwayS YA! GuyS dun WorrY i'm fiNE! AfteR LuncH BacK to Sch~hahahaS! When FOr shorT DiscussioN abouT Class ouTinG! HahahaS playin PiaNO With mY ~peeRS ANdrE~ hahahAS! and waS playinG JAy SOnG! and wAS laughtinG cauSE SOmethinG happeN!Kieth & eugene dun make me~ Hahahas ~ RAymonD is FunnY lol! Is alrite! By the Way Me & ANdre performinG on this friday IN scH! Student affair IN charge waNs uS to Perfomance! So We agrEE! JUs givE a TRY! SO YA! After thAT was havinG revision with ~peter~ hai suddenly doze off! waS tireD! NOT enough reSt! HavinG slight fever......... Took a nap! YA! ThinKinG the pasT Again! WaS so down BUt had a suppOrtinG PeerS! Ya StarT Self RevisioN lE! should FinisH In late night ba! HAhahAS!~

Saturday, November 10, 2007

TirinG DayS~


BusY STudinG ~ woRKinG ~ TrainInG! LiFE Is CrueL~ LiFE Is RealisTiC~ Though wAs A dREAM! BUt Hav TO FACE IT! Is A FAcT! YeS! helpinG uP a GUy that NeeD clothes For Wedding~! YuP! So happY tat Can MakE A perSON looK Gd, SMart & hAPpY! Attend My junioR Jian KAi birthdaY yesterdaY! Didn't knw tat so manY people goin! & Yay dun inTro Me ThosE GalS ok! NOW, I Jus WannA To BE A bachalor! hahahas! Was so Tired after workinG but have no choice! had to GO! fRENs is ImportaNT! Wad I havE LEarN! TheY ARe With ME whenever I'm down! SO YAy Cherish My FamilY & FRENS ~ hAI had to worK tomorroW! HaI! Had a bleedinG toe, Hope it recover fast enough! HaI! ThiNKinG back THe wonderfUL daYS that I waS haPPY~ Had nvr though of a persoN changeS My LiFE!~ hahahAs! FeeLinG ThaT I WAS So Foolish noW! HoPE thinGs go FInE after that~!

Too Tired to think~ Too Pain to Feel~ Too Numb to saY~

ThanKS To MY DeareST FamiLY, Lao shi & GD FreNS~!