Saturday, November 10, 2007

TirinG DayS~


BusY STudinG ~ woRKinG ~ TrainInG! LiFE Is CrueL~ LiFE Is RealisTiC~ Though wAs A dREAM! BUt Hav TO FACE IT! Is A FAcT! YeS! helpinG uP a GUy that NeeD clothes For Wedding~! YuP! So happY tat Can MakE A perSON looK Gd, SMart & hAPpY! Attend My junioR Jian KAi birthdaY yesterdaY! Didn't knw tat so manY people goin! & Yay dun inTro Me ThosE GalS ok! NOW, I Jus WannA To BE A bachalor! hahahas! Was so Tired after workinG but have no choice! had to GO! fRENs is ImportaNT! Wad I havE LEarN! TheY ARe With ME whenever I'm down! SO YAy Cherish My FamilY & FRENS ~ hAI had to worK tomorroW! HaI! Had a bleedinG toe, Hope it recover fast enough! HaI! ThiNKinG back THe wonderfUL daYS that I waS haPPY~ Had nvr though of a persoN changeS My LiFE!~ hahahAs! FeeLinG ThaT I WAS So Foolish noW! HoPE thinGs go FInE after that~!

Too Tired to think~ Too Pain to Feel~ Too Numb to saY~

ThanKS To MY DeareST FamiLY, Lao shi & GD FreNS~!


1 comment:

猪妈妈 said...


candy here. how have you been?

peace =)