Monday, October 27, 2008

HousE WarminG~*

Yesterday was having Hse warminG~=) everyone was like so happY~! Special thanKS to My Dearest Daddy & Mummy! woke up earLY in the morninG just to prepare thE fooD & some delicious disheS~ and foR mY joB is to help to clean and tidY up the WholE housE! hmMm~* EveryonE waS enjoYinG thE moment~! Btw There somemore hse warminG! FamilY memberS, DaddY FreNs, MummY FreNs, Sis FrenS & Bro FrenS!!!!!!!!!!!!
HahahahS~! So manY tO gO! anYway ItS time to Prepare for mY "IPPT"! hahahaS!
hmMmM~ thiNkiNG waD to geT foR ChristmaS GifT! =) hMmM~ HOlidaY is OveR!!! TimE to WOrk haRD for TMR~! =x
DaR I'm miSSinG U!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

ChanGeS In My LifE~*

There's a place`~ There's a need~ There's One who U can Trust~*
Who make my life out of miserable~ A happinesS can be a little short & can be just like an lighting speedly when thru acrosS the cloud..... But its just a matter of Cherish & memories~ Who makes u thinK that isn't a waste of time but a Good thinGs to be remember~* To someonE whO I LoveS~* CheeRS~*

Sunday, October 5, 2008

hAHa CUtiE~*

Saturday, October 4, 2008

THe DaY witH u~*

LaZy To geT somethinG, So decide to cooK somethinG for mYself & stay In mY ComforT hse~* (Mee frM S'pore + Ingredient frM Korean) =) yuMMY BUt Super SpicY~!!!!!!!

No morE fooD~! =x

HeY No GreedY~* We sharE the cakE Ya! =)